08 May 2008

Project R

No, this is not THAT Project R ;)

OK, we will be rebuilding our score archives. Yes, as most of you probably know (or have at least heard of), our files and scores are in terrible condition. A lot of scores are MISSING. For example, the whole set of "Hosanna" scores (with several copies of the score) went missing and well I had to go get another set. I wonder what happened to the one which went missing... Either someone TOOK it, or the sheets embarked on a journey back to Australia in search of their beloved Brooke Fraser... Oh well. Only God knows. And SO....

*Oh... We're the regeneration... Oh... Rebuild, rebuild...*

So we'll start off THIS week...

Time: 9.00a.m. - 12.00p.m. on Saturdays (kicks off this Saturday - 10 May 2008)
Venue: Youth Hall, of course.

All are strongly encouraged to help out in this. Well, for those who are interested but can't make it for the full 3 hours, here's the good news -- you don't have to come for the full 3 hours. Anyone is welcome to help out anytime during the 3 hours.

Everyone is welcome to help out, to all members of YF - come if you are able to, help is needed and I would greatly appreciate all help given.

But please, let me know lah, via SMS ke.. MSN ke..

Alrite, hope to see you all there! Take care, God bless, all... :)


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