15 October 2009

Worship Songs on 18th Oct 09

Hey all,

Sorry for the so late post coz i've been really busy ever since i come back from missions, so many things to do..anyway,the songs are as below:-

1. Overwhelmed (Planet shakers-Reflector)
2. Jesus loves me this i know
3. we cry holy holy holy(we fall down, we lay our crown...) -Chris Tomlin & Steven Curtis Chapman
4. as the deer

Alright, we've always been very high in volume in terms of the music of worship..since this sunday there isn't any bassist and i'm playing and leading at the same time, we will tone things down a little..let's just say we savor the moment of worshiping God together..
Please listen to the songs and expect a more acoustic and and tone down worship this sunday. Be prepared yeah?

**Practice will be from 11am-1pm, is everyone ok? (in favor of Josiah's request =] )
Please sms me if you can't, no news means everyone is ok with the time and
i'll be expecting you all at 11am sharp sharp yeah? God bless..

Thank you.

Yours Truly,
Tommy Thai

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