22 July 2010

Worship on Youth Sunday (1st August 2010)

Hey to all the awesome worshippers who are serving on Youth sunday!
I believe I've either called you or spoke to you about your involvement.

First & foremost, thank you for your availability and the heart to serve.
The song list are as below:-

1. You are good - Jeff Deyo (pre-worship)
2. With you - Hillsong (praise song)
3. Ku dib'ri kuasa - true worshippers (praise song)
4. I adore - Hillsong (worship song)
5. Yahweh - Hillsong (worship song)
6. Tinggikan dirimu - GMB (worship song)

The practice will be on next thursday night(29/7/10), 8.30pm - 10.30pm.
If needed, there'll be another practice on saturday(31/7/10), 2pm - 4pm.
But I believe we can settle in 1 practice so please listen to the songs, get familiarize with the songs and do come prepared both physically and spiritually.

Please do give me or Joyce a call if you need any clarifications or help yeah?

Thanks once again and I believe all of us will be wonderfully blessed & highly favoured because God finds favour in His people who serve Him. AMEN!

God bless and take care.

Yours Truly,
Tommy Thai

1 comment:

william said...

tommy, would appreciate any links or references to the songs so that we're on the same page. thx!