29 August 2014

Youth Worship Experience - 31st August 2014

Dear Team,

Faith, Sarah, Zoe, Benjamin C, Nicholas, Victor, Ben, William & Jian Ren

Tomorrow’s practice will be 9.30am-11.30am at YOUTH HALL.  

In this coming Sunday’s worship experience.... We are going to do a collab with Prayer Warriors Team & Youth Leaders.

The flow would be as follows  
1. As it is in Heaven by Matt Maher - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEXx0mfxe-E
2. Turn your eyes upon Jesus (Acoustic) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czxd5oa-gi0
(5 Prayer Stations)
*we will sing almost as per this video & the new chorus introduced =)
(musicians help to dissect the chords for that part ya.. TQ!)

“I found my strength, I found my Hope
I found my help in Christ alone
When fear has set, when darkness fall
I found my peace in Christ alone

I give my life, I give my all
I sing my song to Christ alone
The king of kings, the Lord of all
All heaven sings to Christ alone
To Christ alone
To Christ alone”

(Corporate prayer & Finale)

Do listen through & see you tomorrow awesome people!!

Joyce!! =) 

21 August 2014

[YF Sunday Worship] 24 August 2014

Attn: Jozhua, Sonia, Letitia, Benjamin C., Timothy, Matthew, Jian Ren, Jonathan


I know this is coming in late (if you wanna know why, PM me or something), but here are the songs for this Sunday's worship session:

1. God's Great Dance Floor - Passion Worship Band
2. All My Fountains - Passion Worship Band
3. One Thing Remains - Passion Worship Band
4. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) - Passion Worship Band

For inspiration purposes, click here for Martin's Smith version of "God's Great Dance Floor".

Practice is on Saturday, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Remember, we may be in Malaysia, but please do not follow MRT (Malaysian Rubber Time) and come on time! Thank you very much ;)

So, what are you waiting for? Practice now! PRACTICE NOW!!!!!


15 August 2014

worship on 17 august 2014!

Hi all,

It is yet another opportunity to serve together! This week we come together again to thank God and lead His children in worship.. Are you ready?

The songs are:
1. Blessed Be Your Name (G)
2. Ancient Skies** (D)
3. This Is Our God (D to E)
(Keys in brackets)
**I am traveling for work and typing this on my phone.. Please search YouTube if you dont know the second song.

Practice will be on Sunday after 1st service.. Make sure you attend service! (Mesti!)

09 August 2014

10/8 - Worship Together

Dear, Jozhua, Zoe, Ben, Josh, Nicholas & Gabe.

As discussed in the whatsapp group, we will have our practice on Sunday itself 10/8 at 10:15am (after 1st service). Thanks for understanding everyone. Let's dive into worship in its entirety of life, love, songs, the word & more. Jesus is all we need...

1. Everyday - Hillsong (Key E)  CHORDS HERE
2. Leave Me Astounded - Planetshakers (Key E - no key raise)  CHORDS HERE
3. Holy Spirit Rain Down - Hillsong (Key E) CHORDS HERE

Musicians, the chords from the links for songs 2 & 3 are not in the key of E so kindly use the key transpose feature on the respective pages.
