06 November 2014

[YF Sunday Worship] 9 November 2014

Attn: Zoe, Didi, Benjamin C., Victor, William, Keegan, Jozhua

How are you guys coping with life? I trust all of you have been well? Anyway ......

It's here, it's here ...... the song list for this Sunday is finally here!

I apologize for the very late post. Since we're a team and honesty is of utmost importance, I have a confession to make ...... I only found out that I'm leading this Sunday's worship session today, so ...... really sorry. Still, I won't let that hinder me; it's no excuse to not work even harder for this Sunday, to ensure that the Form 5 students who come have a great worship experience, and above all, to show God our burning passion to serve!

Alright, that's enough rambling from me. Here are the songs for this Sunday:

1. Take Heart -  Hillsong United
2. No Compromise - Planetshakers
3. Salvation Is Here - Hillsong United
4. Hosanna - Hillsong United

Victor, that's one song down, yeah? ;) Also, Didi, whaddya think about leading the last song? :D

Practice will be on from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
Please come on time. Together, let's prepare our hearts to serve our Lord on high!


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