01 April 2008

LATEST: alterations for 2nd quarter

For those who read posts but don't check the c-box on the right-hand side of the page, please note that the following was an April Fools' joke.

Though it was a joke, yet, it may become a reality if we do not take good care of our equipment. so let's take good care of our equipment which has been entrusted to us :)


Hail all...

Yes, we just stepped into the 2nd quarter of 2008 a few minutes ago (as i'm typing this)...

OK, i'll keep it short - we will b short of lots of equipment this quarter. as of now, the confirmed ones:
1. 1 keyboard (and it's amp) - the keyboard seems to be still "under loan" and has not been returned. The keyboard amp, on the other hand, is gone due to its constant "going to blow" condition (those who experienced it before will know what i'm talking about)
2. one guitar amp - our secondary guitar amp seems to have blown, so.... out.
3. cables - the cables used to connect between the equipment and the instruments seem to be "dead". so... worst case, we will also lose the bass guitar = no bassist.
4. mic cables - yes, for those who noticed, or have been told, the mic cables have been in "half dead" condition, currently all 4 are sent for "repairs", leaving us with.... nothing? well, nothing except our two wireless mics, so we're still... alive =)

if we dont get back our stuff by next week.. well, u can guess what's gona happen rite? IF the worst case scenario happens and we only have one keyboard and one guitar, little "juniors" will take over all the keyboards, seniors on break for this quarter... whereas the bassist and 2nd guitarist and 1st keyboardist can all be on break... and perhaps some on the vocals too... In short, we'll have less people serving on a particular week.

is that a yay or an "oh no" from you people?

that's all for now. will keep you all updated.

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