23 November 2011

27th November Team!!!

Hello All Ye Servants of The Lord!!

How are you doing?? Reflecting at how excited we were from the on start before we enter this worship team as we audition. Now that we're in, serving in each practice has always been a different new experience!

Hehe.. right?? sometimes our practice will be filled with laughters, at times.. weirdness.. at times.. stress.. at times.. seriousness.. lol! But we've always come back encouraged cuz we're as though a family, we look out for each other in the songs that we play and sing. I am really thankful to God, for His love that always binds us in unity!

Its wonderful serving along with you guys! All in the same mission of pleasing our Lord, giving the BEST to Him, and seeing His name lifted up in our lives and the lives of the youth even as we lead in worship! Hehe.. i always thought to myself.. ah.. i can't wait for the day where all of us worship our God in Heaven, IN HEAVEN!!! wouldn't it be so COOL!!! (*day dream*) hahhaa..

okok.. back here! Therefore, let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the DAY approaching. (Hebrews 10:25) ;) yea man!!

And back to the MAIN POINT, haha.. this week's song list is as follows..
1. Yesus - True Worshippers (no need the long slow intro part, practice the upbeat intro)
2. Ku D'bri Kuasa - True Worshippers (exactly)
3. All Of My Days - Hillsong (exactly)

Practice is 9AM to 11AM!!

In the Team:-
Vocals: Robyn and Amanda
Keyboards: SuZanne and Josean
Guitars: Wen Qi
Bass: Matthew
Drums: Keegan
Multimedia: Kenneth
**do notify me of any swaps done =), do bug and remind each other in this team tht they are in!

SEE you at 9AM then!! Lets be PUNCTUAL!! ;)

God bless!!

Yours Truly,

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